Originally Posted by Tank
As a bit of backround for those few gentle readers who aren't that familiar with me and my 'haircut stories'.
Early on I wrote just like any other writer and didn't think much about any particulars for our characters other than the season we were playing in. But as a person who really liked the look Teri gave Lois when, in the third season, she cut her hair short I wanted to give my Lois that visual more often, even it the season of the story didn't jibe.

I would find reasons in my fics for Lois to get a haircut so the visual in my mind would fit the one I preferred. This became a subject of discussion in the reviews of my stories. I soon became known for this... it became a, sort of, defacto signature for one of my stories. If I didn't provide Lois with a haircut or at least a season for short hair the readers would give me grief about it. So I embraced it even more, just for the kick of it.
That gave rise to a series of stories where the only purpose of the fic was to require Lois to cut or get her haircut. Sometimes it was a dramatic situation, sometimes a humourous one; but for these fics the main plot objective was to get Lois into short hair. While the main purpose of these fics was the haircut, I think that in all of them I tried to showcase certain aspects of who Lois Lane actually is and what is really important to her. We all know that she'd change her hair for a big story, and in one fic she sacrificed hair in the name of charity, and in another her single minded focus on getting information for her story caused her to lose track of the haircut she was getting at the time. Each, though written for the purpose getting Lois into short hair and to placate the gentle readers need to see me 'challenge' Lois in this manner, were written for fun.

This was one of those stories.

Tank (who knows he still owes the board a ToGOM story for 2014)

Tank, I like you really liked the look Teri gave Lois in Seasons 3/4 with the short hair which is why I have read all of your stories regarding haircuts. Most of them are pretty amusing some a bit darker comedy than others but still amusing. I still find it amazing the number of situations you can find to put Lois in requiring her hair to be cut, must be a gift.

Also no worries, you still have almost 6 whole months to get the ToGOM story in for 2014...


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham