Originally Posted by Morgana
This story promises to give us a very different Cat Grant ...right?

Nope... At least not the way I remember Cat from the series.

This was a cute story and I am glad to see a strong Lois deciding that Superman could take her as she was or not, she was not changing just to attract him.
Lois walked briskly down the sidewalk. The breeze blew her hair
in front of her face. She reached up and tucked an errand strand
behind her ear. She had walked out of Cindy's. As her friend
had approached her, Lois had realized that she couldn't cut her
hair because she thought Superman might notice her because of it.
That wasn't who she was.

That wasn't to say that she would never cut her hair. She held
no romantic notion of the power and beauty of a woman's long
hair. Not that long ago she had contemplated cutting her hair
very short for her undercover work when she broke the car theft
ring story. If she hadn't noticed that some of the other young
boys who were employed by the thieves had long hair; she'd
probably have done it. Instead she had opted for a fake mustache
and goatee.

I also loved Clark spotting the bit of green paint left in Lois's hair confirming her story and then running when Ralph came around.
"But you have to be true to who you really are. It isn't really
about a haircut. It's about acceptance, acceptance for what and
who you are. I'm Lois Lane, warts and all, and I can't, and
won't, try to be someone I'm not just to please a man, even
Superman. If he can't accept me for who I am, then there is
nothing I can do about it."

"That makes a lot of sense, Lois. But you do know that Cat is
going to spread her version of this incident all around.
Everyone will think you cut your hair because she tricked you
into thinking it would please Superman."

Lois shrugged. "I know, but I don't really care what other
people think, and in a way, the truth is even crazier than Cat's
story will be." Suddenly it was important to Lois that Clark
believe what had really happened. "You believe me, don't you?"

Clark smiled. "Yes, Lois, I believe you." He glanced up at
her newly cropped locks. "Was the offending paint, by any
chance... green?"

Lois was surprised by Clark's comment. How had he known? "Yes
it was. How did you know? I don't remember saying what color it
had been."

Clark laughed softly as he gently brushed his hand through her
short tresses. "Well, I can see a few touches of green still
shining out amongst the dark brown."

Lois' hands flew to her head. "Oh god, if Cindy finds out
she'll take the clippers and shear me down to stubble for sure."
Lois began to paw through her purse looking for a mirror. "How
bad is it?"

Clark laughed out loud. "Don't worry, Lois. No one will see
anything unless they are specifically looking for it. And even
then, they'd have a hard time. I just have great eyesight."

The Henderson comment was very cute also and seemed to work with Ralph.
Just then Ralph came oozing up to her desk. He gave his typical
leer, which she supposed he thought was a smile. "Hey, Lane, is
it true that you chopped off your hair because you heard that Big
Blue liked skirts with cropped tops?"

Lois turned to Clark, her eyes beseeching him. He laughed as he
held up his hands.

"I'm afraid you're on your own here, Lois. I have to get back
to work." Still chuckling, Clark left, heading toward his own

Lois turned her attention back to the misanthrope standing next
to her. "Go away, Ralph. I don't have time to deal with
Inspector Henderson right now."

"What's Henderson got to do with anything?"

"Well, he's going to want to question me about your murder."
Ralph got the hint and left without any further snide comments.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham