ER: Maybe Superman should have fixated on an elderly gent, huh?
SUPERMAN: I'm thinking of giving up sex entirely since you've put that image in my head.
LOIS: <Is displeased with the ER> What DID you DO??

And I was thinking about all the times Lois did not manage to make Clark willing.
CLARK: In my defense, my body was always willing, just my morals...
LOIS: <doesn’t buy that one>

You already discounted that one and writers never lie. So, no that was just flat sarcasm at the obvious reveal.
EW: No? <insinuates an adorable naiveté in the ER’s approach to the story> I mean. Of course not. <is insanely happy that the ER finally understands that there’s no underhanded dealings going on there>

Well…that would solve Clark’s problem, wouldn’t it?
CLARK: Helllooooo? Still in this cage.
/points at the cat in the corner/

LOIS: <would prefer a Cat to do the honors> I'm not touching that with my mouth.
CAT: Married.
CATWOMAN: I could use my whip…

But it's been weeks of posting... Fine. Cut this line here. And that one there. No more hints! You do realize in the outline of this story, you guys wouldn't have had Lois's POV for this whole investigation, right? Imagine how short this story would have been without out?

ER: I’m not that good at picking up on obvious clues…
But... but... but... Fine! /shoulders slum as I go back and add in all those hints again... well, maybe not ALL of them./

ER: To have an unmarred doll? Plus, why waste her torso in the first place?
NIGEL: /shrugging/ He had the lowest bid. Sorry, boss.
So…Nigel has a budget and gets to keep everything above cost for which he can produce a receipt that says it cost more than cost?

Aunti Pasto's, and Lois gave Clark a lapdance at HIS apartment after HE cooked pasta with RED sauce *months* earlier.
CLARK: <is happy that he’s caused some permanent memories> I'm THAT good.

LOIS: I would never sit on Lex's lap.
She’s only saying that because she got tied to Clark instead of Lex during Fly Hard.

CLARK: We got close during the lapdance, not because she got shot, right, minha?
LOIS: Umm…

(I haven't finished S1, yet. <is terribly behind on stuff> Too busy writing.)
Oh dear!

I keep asking for one, but nobody thinks I'm serious. They keep giving me the kind of vacation where I have no time to write, instead.
[Linked Image]

wave Michael

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I go by Michael on the Archives.