Hello all,

I wasn't sure where to post this, since the post itself is not a piece of original fiction, but more of a solicitation for such a piece.

I've written an original universe story which I would love to share with any of you who are interested in reading it. I don't want to post it on the MB, however, since doing so would be considered an act of publication, and that would cut down on my other publishing options. But there is no rule that limits the number of beta readers a story can have, so... If you are interested in becoming a beta reader for an original universe story of mine, please send me an e-mail or a PM some time in the next two weeks, and I will gladly send you a copy of the story. All feedback appreciated.

Oh... what is the story about, you ask? Here's the elevator pitch: The story is both a celebration of language and a cautionary tale. As a result of a major terrorist attack, the United States no longer has free speech -- but not in the way you are probably thinking. Everyone can still legally say whatever they were allowed to say before, but all communications (both online and in person) are computer monitored for possible key words or phrases that might impact national security. The equipment and labor for monitoring is expensive, and to pay for it, a word tax has been imposed. Therefore, while people are still free to say what they want, they must pay a tax to exercise that freedom. This story is the high-tech, modern day equivalent of an epistolary story: It is told entirely through the blog entries of a linguaphile.

Incidentally, I came up with this premise several months ago, but hadn't had time until my summer break to work on the story. When I first thought of the premise, it seemed pretty far-fetched to me, but with all of the subsequent revelations about the NSA, now I'm not so sure.

The story is about 3,400 words long.
