Oh, wow! Awesome! Sorry I've been out of the discussion a bit (family trip to Disney World at the end of June, followed by some wonderful family news...my husband got a new job and we get to move back 'home' to the same area as where I grew up--YES!!!!! smile --in the next few months) but wanted to add a late 'THANK YOU!!!!!' to KK and her hubby for all the work, all the time, and all the creativity to get the t-shirt fundraiser going. They turned out perfect.

I'll be buying a couple in the next day or two--not at all sure what color/style to go with though...need to think about it.

Can-Not-Wait! smile

Last edited by LMA; 07/07/14 02:13 PM.

"Where's Clark?" "Right here."

...two simple sentences--with so much meaning.

~Lois and Clark in 'House of Luthor'~