Originally Posted by Kismatt
Awwww, I didn't get to meet you frown

I DID find out that the UltraWoman suit is in the Superman Museum in Metropolis! No cameras allowed. They had a bunch of Lois' outfits and a few of Clark's ties! There was much squeeing wink

Unfortunately I didn't have time to get over to the museum. frown I wanted to but between a fussy (almost) 9 month old (in the picture because he refused to be left in the covered stroller and was wary/worried of a masked mommy) and a 2 year old that both refused to leave my side. I barely got to watch the Q/A before I had to go back to Cape (my grandma in-law's 90th was the same day and I'd promised I'd be back in time for pictures). I wanted to get tickets for the autograph session but by the time I got there at 9:30am I missed my chance. I'd been aiming to get there around 7:30 but I both kept getting lost (while I'd been there before, hubby did the driving) and had a (small) accident when I lost control on a gravel road and landed in a ditch, requiring a tow just to get it out of the (deep/wide) ditch. shock By the time I got there the Chamber was out of tickets so I resigned/looked forward to visiting some of the other stuff (loved perusing the Writer's Way/Artist's alley last year so did it again this year, getting the last "Superman and Lois married" piece of artwork made specifically for the Superman Celebration) and trying to do other things between trying to wrangle Solomon (didn't happen). I ended up standing through most of the Q/A (someone was nice enough to give me their seat maybe halfway through).

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)