"You like me! You really like me!"

Thanks for the positive response, everyone! hyper I just hope the rest of the fic delivers. smile

For the record, I'm aiming to do a "soft split" of a long (by my standards, anyway) story, so when Hooray for Hollywood is done, I'll probably take a short break before the next leg of Lois' journey.


Was I supposed to read this as "Lois Lane III" set? Because I did.

Hee! Believe it or not, I had a hard time reading it myself when I first wrote it, and I'm the author!

Did you mean "without" here?

Every time I read over the fic, it said "without", I'm sure of it! Thanks. Fixed. blush

That director, Donner, (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

Glad you caught that. laugh You too, Artemis! smile

I'm thinking part 2 will go up around Tuesday...ish. I've got a little bit of a buffer, but not much, so I want to be careful with my pace of posting. smile
