I love it so far and I suspect I will for the duration also... dance

Like Morgana, Lois time traveling, taking on the establishment with her descendants, barely an A-Plot in sight thumbsup . What's not to like? Probably should not jinx the thing with the A-Plot crack smirk .

Love the tie bit, the crack about Clark being a bit part, and of course a 30 year old Lois being called 'Grams'.

Charlotte smiled at her. “It's fine, Grams. At least we shouldn't be disturbed.”

Grams? Lois fought the urge to snort. “That's good,” she replied.

“Jordan,” Superman suddenly said, extending a hand towards her.

Lois blinked at him in confusion for a second, then it clicked. “Nice to meet you.” She grinned and started to reach for his hand, then changed her mind. “Oh, come here!” She pulled him into a hug, then reached for Charlotte as well.

Charlotte's eyes were tearing a little when she finally pulled away. “It's so good to see you, Grams!” she said. “This is...this is just amazing!”

Was also great when she realizes that for today to have occurred Clark had to come back from New Krypton.

“He left for New Krypton several days ago,” Lois told them. “Or centuries ago—whichever.” It was why she had been so furious when Wells had dragged the other Clark along on this latest search for Tempus. Why did he want to rub her nose in the absence of her fiance? Was he trying to set up this Clark as a replacement for hers? Was he subtly suggesting that Clark wasn't coming back? Furthermore, if he could just grab other Clarks at the drop of a hat, then why couldn't he just let the New Kryptonians take *this* Clark so that hers could stay home? It wasn't as if the other Clark had a fiance waiting for him, worrying about what was happening to him thousands of light-years away in space... She felt a little guilty at that last thought and bit back a sob.

Charlotte pulled her into a hug. “It'll be okay, Grams,” she said. “Trust me.”

Lois pulled away to look into her great-granddaughter's eyes. “But what if he never comes--” She stopped. It clicked. “--back,” she whispered.

She looked at these two people in the room with her. Her great-grandchildren. Her and *Clark's* great-grandchildren. Suddenly, all of the pain and heartache of the past several days evaporated. A broad smile appeared on her face, and she pulled them both into another hug. “It's so, *so* wonderful to meet you two!” she cried, tears of joy running down her face.

If this first part is emblematic of the remainder of the story I am going to love it!

Thanks for writing it.


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham