I think it would be good to keep the shirt fandom-neutral (aside from this hidden El shield, which I love). I don't like the second sentence as it is, but I would be equally happy if it were eliminated or if it were changed.

Perhaps the second sentence could be something like, "Come join us in our other worlds," or "Living in two worlds." Maybe it could be a spoof of the bumper sticker that says, "My other car's a <fill in the blank with name of luxury car>. Our second sentence might say something like, "My other world's more fun." I'm not completely happy with any of my suggestions, since I would prefer the saying not to seem too escapist, but perhaps my ideas might spark someone else's imagination and they could come up with something better. Hmmm.. How about, "Sparking imaginations one reader at a time" or "Celebrating other worlds"?

Victoria, I second the thanks others have given to both you and your husband for all your work on this. And an extra thanks for including in this poll the question about whether to have the second sentence.
