Great ending line to this chapter!

Well, we learn how Clark is staying out of trouble and making his way in the world. It's a good thing he has superpowers because otherwise he'd certainly have a hard time doing all those jobs. Also a good thing to have superpowers when you're on the run - they'll come in handy.

I look forward to the big revelation for Lois. I bet it won't take long for her to accept what Clark can do, and to work it into a plan. (I'm sure she'll have a plan once she gets over the shock of everything that has happened.)

OTOH, there is still a large reward out for their deaths, so L&C have to stay hidden. I like how just putting on some different clothing made them effectively invisible.

As ever, Shayne, you're writing some thought-provoking stuff in the guise of a fanfic.

Last edited by IolantheAlias; 05/21/14 10:17 PM.