Yikes! Poor Joe. mecry Yes, the Churches aren't a family you want to cross. Clark's probably wishing that he hadn't discounted Charlie's warning from a year earlier.

At first, I had thought Bill Church Sr. had only hit Joe in the face with the gun. It was only later when he said that it would look like a suicide that I realized what exactly happened. sad I am a bit surprised that Tom wasn't more freaked out by what his dad shooting Joe right in front of him. He must already know what kind of man his father is, but still knowing and seeing him do it to one of your friends is world changing for people.

Lois is lucky in her friendship of Clark. I have a strange feeling that her entire life and world view is going to change tonight, and that's not just because the Churches are trying to kill her.

Geeze, people, it's only a football game. dizzy Is it really necessary to kill people over this? I mean I know, like Terry said, to some people football is EVERYTHING, but they sure have their priorities whacked.

Something major is going to have to happen (i.e. the Fall of Intergang) otherwise Lois will not be able to go back to her previous life. She'll never be safe, even if Clark sticks like glue to her. And while that too could be nice, it would be too confining for her life. Would she want to go into witness relocation? Would they even offer it to her? Will Lois and Clark have to start a life on the run? Even if they move to another city, change their names, they'll never be able to trust anyone except each other, and will have to constantly be looking over their shoulders. Will they ever make it out from under the thumb of the Church family? She and Clark just witnessed Bill Church kill a 17 y.o. boy and set fire to her house. This isn't something that they'll be able to brush off and hide away from for a few hours, and still be able to return to their previous life, come Monday morning.

Where are you heading with this story? shock Please, let Perry turn against his friends the Churches and help Lois and Clark by publishing their story. It won't solve all their problems but it'll help, somewhat. I'm afraid they'll be on their own though for a while.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.