I posted this originally in the 9/9 part in response to Mouserocks comment about them not being willing to just be partners any longer but most of the comments really belong here.

Well Lois and Clark are pretty much finished as partners because she will be probably not be employed by the Daily Planet after this. Something like liability insurance. The statement was made that she would be lucky to be employed as a Researcher at the DP after this, that is if she stayed out of jail but that she had basically worked her way out of Investigative Journalism.

This is one of the things that turned me off to this story, basically Terry destroyed her professionally and significantly damaged her personally with all this 'Dirty Lois' stuff. But I seem to be in the minority here. I haven't posted before because I have bounced around between hating the story to somewhat understanding where Terry might be coming from. One concept I had was that Lois had always been one to push past limits and maybe Clark's presence was the only thing that kept something like this from happening earlier. On the other hand Lois (in the series) never seemed to take to guns, in many scenes if she disarmed someone she just picked up the gun with two fingers and tossed it away. I know Terry said a character did things totally out of character but I could be glib and think that his next story will be about a serial killer version of Clark. Of course the real out of character was her totally giving up immediately, no second opinion, no going to StarLabs to see what Bernie could pull out of his hat.

Maybe this is where Lois and Clark ride off into the Sunset because I don't see Clark hanging around the DP without Lois there as his partner. She will probably want out of Metropolis at least for a while when she is hounded to max by the Digger type folk.


Last edited by Mike M; 05/15/14 09:59 PM.

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Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham