Originally Posted by LMA
Eek--yikes--uh oh! Why do I get the feeling that Clark is heading to the pine box? Oh yeah, I remember...a heart transplant?! shock thud Our poor, poor Clark. mecry.

I didn't see a heart transplant coming. I didn't think of the BY or B&C&C&L concepts, either. Really curious as to what is going to happen.

I haven't read a lot of WHAM/death fics--but not because I don't like them. I think I'm mostly just drawn more towards the 'happy ever after' ending type of stories for Lois and Clark, since they are my favorite 'couple'--with admittedly, any type of obstacle thrown into the storyline to get to that ending. Movies though--and other books (which are something I haven't read any at all of since finding L&C fanfiction whistle ) that end on a really sad note sometimes I really do end up liking...every once in a while a good cry is kind of needed, I guess, and does feel great.

I'm not hiding any fruit/etc behind my back--yet evil....we'll see wink.

So far I'm thinking that: Clark is the most likely one NOT to make it out of this story, but I'm having thoughts of Lois and/or the baby, also. And, unless there is some horrible accident type of thing and whoever that random character is that DC creates dies so that Clark can end up with his heart (?), I'm not sure where the 'spare' heart is going to come from. I dunno? You have me stumped, DC dizzy.

I've kind of gone the time travel route with my thoughts, too--a grown up child of theirs dies? A former Clark--like in Soul Mates?

Something happens to give Clark 'more' life and reverse the BY life sucking after-effects--therefore eliminating the need to replace his heart? But then you have an empty pine box--you haven't eliminated anyone.

Yeah, you just need to post soon grovel hail...I've got nothing smile.


I have more faith in DC to not follow the obvious route. I mean it would be kind of a straight forward fic if Clark has heart problems, Klein says he needs a transplant, they try the transplant, it doesn't work, he dies. No twists and I suspect DC has some twists up her sleeve (or hidden somewhere anyway). I put forth a possibility in the first FDK that could still happen but only 8 more parts to find out. I doubt we will really know until part 9 or 10 does kind of build up the edge doesn't it?


Create all the happiness you are able to create.
Remove all the misery you are able to remove.

Jeremy Bentham