Despite my normally not liking death fics, I decided to give this one a try. I am enjoying it so far.

So... Assuming that Clark can get a heart transplant, who will the donor be? I am assuming that a newborn infant's heart would be too small to transplant successfully into a grown adult's body, so I think the baby is probably safe. (Safe from the author, that is; by this I mean that DC won't have the baby dying of natural causes shortly after birth and having his heart put into Clark's body.) Normally I would say that Kryptonians and humans are probably too different for Clark to receive a human heart, but given that they are compatible for reproduction in this story, such a transplant might be possible. If it is, then the donor could be just about anyone in canon or original to Deadly Chakram. (Of course, if DC wished to be truly evil, she could arrange a series of circumstances in which the donor turned out to be Lex. Or even Tempus; now that might be a bit of irony Tempus wouldn't like.) But if such a cross-species transplant isn't possible, then the only people who could donate a heart to Clark would be other Kryptonians. Ching? Zara?

Hmmm... Thinking some more about Tempus, perhaps some time travel will be involved; maybe the baby will grow to adulthood and when he dies, Wells will transport his heart back in time. There are so many possibilities!

Of course, Deadly Chakram might be playing mind games with us all, and Clark might actually die in this story. (Please, no. grovel)


Last edited by Lynn S. M.; 05/12/14 10:42 AM.