Thank you all for your responses! You're making me want to write *more* next-gen stories. smile Okay, just kidding. Really.

I'm glad that you like the stuff about Emily controlling her super-powers. That was really my entire original concept for the story, simply how frustrating it would be to know, your entire life, that you were meant to become a super-hero, but have to wait until adulthood (and handle your powers as they came in).

Nathan was, as I mentioned, not a character I originally intended in the story. But I have always loved books that showed a bully who maybe could have been different, if he was given the chance (like the children's book "Help! There's a Boy in the Girl's Bathroom," or something like that).

And thanks for thinking the bad guy stuff was okay so far! But we'll see what you think at the end.

Several people commented on the Russian... After you finish the story, can you tell me if you still think I should go back and fix that or not?

Okay, so, time for the last and final part! Let me know what you think!