Originally Posted by Ultra Woman
So WAFFy! I loved this story! clap

Thanks. It was a surprise to see this come out.

Originally Posted by KatherineKent
There is a sequel called A Midnight Make-out session but it's more of a drabble series. It charts the progress of Lois and Clark's relationship over the course of many 'midnight encounters' but it's quite rare that I update this and only have 4 (out of a current possible 14) 'encounters' done.

If you want me to post these 4 I can ...
How is going this story? Have you posted it or are you planning on posting it?


There's 5 parts done. In one sense it's not really an ongoing story .. just 'points' in their relationship, so I'm not rushing to write it. But, in another sense ... it is an ongoing story, and the end of part 5 is a BAAAAD place to leave it. Unfortunately I haven't written any more yet.

Do you want me to post these 5 parts?

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."