So why had she found another dollar?
Hmmm. Was fate nudging her towards the kissing booth? Or had Clark dropped it there to taunt her?
It was just fate. I like the idea that the universe wants them to get together just as much as we readers do. But ... Clark did try his own 'push' too by handing her the twenty!

The closest she got to relief from the tension was a ride on the Sky Spinner. Letting the wind rush around her as she span in the air was freeing.
I like that her favorite ride is one mimics the feeling she'll have with Superman. clap
Absolutely. You saw straight through my writing there. *grin*

“One girl swooned when I kissed her. That’s what you want to know.”
Lois per chance?

“OK, sounds … nerdy and scientific.”
You've got Lois's voice down pat. clap
Thanks. I love writing SV Lois.

Clark stilled for a moment, as if waiting for some kind of sign. When she didn’t say anything he moved his hand again and cupped her breast.
Wow! I don't think I've ever seen him move that fast... um... with a relationship. Lois must be using mind control on him. wink Is that what the tingles are? Lois hypnotizing Clark with her kisses?
I know it was fast for Clark. But I wanted them to experience the undeniable draw they have towards each other. I do like the idea of Lois using mind control on Clark. *laughs evilly*

“Well, I’m not sure I got the better deal there, it is rather large, and I am all alone up there.” She teased him, licked her lips and climbed back onto his lap.
Whoa! Lois, weren't you the one who just threw on the breaks a minute ago? That's the problem with teenage hormones, one minute their sweet and the next they're a raging inferno. They better be careful or they'll set the barn on fire, and Jonathan will *not* be happy. Nor could I see M&J happy if their sweet innocent son moved in with his girlfriend in his old bedroom. No, sirree. I remember how unhappy they were when they found that other girl (Alica? -- the teleporter) in his bed.
Teenage hormones are definitely difficult to control. And yes, his parents went ballistic when they found Alicia in his room. Not to mention when they caught Lana sneaking out early one morning.

Cute story! clap I love how you built up the desire over each night until it exploded. Lots of fun!
Thanks. There's more ... if you want me to post the Midnight Make-out Sessions currently ready. Was 4 parts - part 5 finished just a few days ago. You'll see the desire and tension building up even more.

Originally posted by John Lambert:
This was a fun story. I vote you post the part of the sequal you have done now.
Ooooh. You want the sequel? I'm thinking about it ... watch this space.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."