Good idea, Kathy. A lot of smaller fics has the potential to raise money, flood the boards, and satisfy the archives for months!

I'm seeing my suggestion as more 'auction' (one winner) and your suggestion as more 'swag' in that the person suggesting the story will probably end up paying up to the amount they offer.

Something that might be interesting to writers - they could post a very loose description of a story that has been languishing on their drives almost finished for years (or an upcoming story, or a story they've always wanted to write.)

Something like this:

I have a story involving K of a non-cannon colour, Clark trying to find the right moment to propose, and the K foiling his efforts at every turn.

I'm willing to pay $5 for every story of more than 1000 words that is posted before July 1 that includes non-cannon K, a wedding ring, some frustration for Clark, and a happy ending. (maximum amount $30)

I think some writers might worry that someone will write a story just like theirs, but my experience on these boards is that it's much more likely we'll get vastly different stories.


BTW - the scenario outlines the first LnC fic I ever wrote. I've never posted it.

Last edited by Female Hawk; 05/01/14 08:22 PM.