Originally posted by Ultra Woman:
No, I just find it a mess. They split Lois and Superman. Then they turned Lois into a support (out-of)character. Now, to appease the fans that complained about her lack of purpose in this damned reboot, they give Lois her own comic, but the title is [b] Superman: Lois Lane. Why? If they aren't together and this is her comic, why put Superman before? As Lois said, the first name in the byline is the most important. It seems they think nobody would recognize Lois Lane if there wasn't Superman in the title. mad And I know, most of all I'm frustrated and angry because it makes me mad seeing Lois stuck with a filling made-up character that means nothing and will fade into oblivion as soon as this new 52 burns down.
/rant off. splat

Andreia [/b]
Well, I do happen to understand why it seemed to make logical sense to give her a producer role, but I think they realized pretty quick that it didn't make sense to her character and then had to go back to reporting (at least part time). I think you're not the first person to comment on that fact that I've seen. I'm sure their logic is not "Superman's platonic gal pal: Lois Lane" but simply that this is supposed to be under the Superman family of books generally. It did sound like this one might well lead into a May event that Lois is mentioned in great detail (in at least one of the related books) so I'm hoping that this is simply their springboard to that storyline.

*edit to add:* I can't blame you about your frustration about Jonathan. He doesn't come across as much a "Dan Scardino" as a "Richard White" (meaning an all-around good guy as much as a rebel with a heart of gold) kind of character. It's weird, their written so that they don't offend the sensibilities of fans of the main character in the pairing (A "what does she see in him? kind of response) but all it does is further offend (this time directed at the authors/directors of that story.) In the end, I've yet to see a story work where Lois is involved with someone else long term (in a TRULY serious capacity-I suspect there were few people that believed Lois would definitely marry Luthor when it was first on the air.) I'm once again hoping and praying that the "following her heart" comment from Marguerite Bennett is about Lois/Superman and not Lois/Jonathan but I'm not holding out much hope. I'm just hoping for a logical follow-through on her characterization (FTR, I LIKED her in Superman #1-6 of the reboot, I just wished they'd kept the hints going a little longer before dashing my hopes like they did.)

CLARK: No. I'm just worried I'm a jinx.
CLARK: Yeah. Let's face it, ever since she's known me, Lois's been kidnapped, frozen, pushed off buildings, almost stabbed, poisoned, buried alive and who knows what else, and it's all because of me.
-"Contact" (You're not her jinx, you're her blessing.)