Something I've noticed with film reviewers is that some of them seem to be so intent on the details of a film that they miss the big picture (and all the fun).

I will say I haven't listened to professional reviewers since Roger Ebert said that 'Batman and Robin' was a good movie (yuck). I usually read about an upcoming movie and decide to see it based on whether or not it looks interesting (plus I'll almost always see things with certain actors or about certain subjects--20th century history, for example). If I listened to the professional reviewers, I'd have missed out on such enjoyable films as 'Les Miserables' (the musical).

On the topic of 'Man of Steel': I liked it. I didn't go for multiple viewings, but I still liked it. I wasn't shocked when Superman killed Zod, either (I've read some of the old comics where Superman is, indeed, willing to kill if necessary). I did think the death of Jonathan Kent was lame, though--rescuing a dog from a tornado? Seriously? (Also, I read that an under an overpass is a lousy place to take shelter from a tornado. Can anyone confirm if that is true? I live in a region where tornadoes are very rare and almost never terribly destructive when they do occur.)

"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn’t have come here.”

- Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland