So, my eyes are bleary because I stayed up reading this against my better judgement and I'm now about halfway through.... I agree with you Chrristina, definitely glad they didn't make this movie. It is not a happy-go-lucky film, made for the feint of heart (but with Walker doing the writing, you kind of knew that going in). But I must admit, loving darker storylines as I do, it's a really interesting read, if taken from a this-is-essentially-a-fanfic-piece-and-has-no-bearing-on-the-actual-movie-canon. laugh It's dark, it's gritty, it's realistic in some ways, and it completely fulfills my little angst bunny need thus far. So I'm not changing my position just yet, because I still love the idea. I just don't want them to make the new Batman v Superman movie to be like this (which of course they won't because even if Nolan likes realistic there's no way he's on the same level as the guy who wrote a movie about a serial killer and other horror films).

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain