I am very glad to hear Orson Scot Card. He is a great writer.

I am quite outraged that people can so glibbly misrepresent Card's political views and get away with spewing hate at him.

While people have a right to disagree with his political views, they should at least deal with them as they stand. Card's views on marriage come very a deepseated belief that marriage should be between a man and a woman. He does not want to arrest or oppose those with other beliefs, and contrary to the tenor of the rhetoric against him, he does not favor proactive state opposition to other things.

The issue at hand is about the proactive state support of certain institutions. It deals with the negative effects of government policy that re-writes social issues. It deserves much more deliberate and respectful responses than are being given. The fact of the matter is that whole-sale redefinition of marriage could have extreme adverse effects on the rights of those who cannot for moral reasons support a broader definition of marriage.

Even those who do not agree with Card on his opinions about marriage should see this is not relevant to the issue at hand. The attempt to ban someone from writting Superman comics because of their political views, especially when they are deeply connected with their religion and religious views as is the case with card, is just plain wrong.

It might be one thing if people thought Card would enter his political views into this issue. However anyone who expects that to happen is woefully ignorant of Card's writting.

They also tend towards being downright dishonest in their assesment of his actual political stances. Considering the reasons for Card's stance, in a lot of ways this boils down to an attempt to deny someone employment for trying to live their religion.

Writers should be judged on the content of their works, not on their politics.

John Pack Lambert