I always knew the trip to Krypton made no sense. Thanks to Lois (and Colleen) we now know why. razz
The really ironic part is that they re-used the Brando footage in SR to keep him as Jor-El, and it's the Brando version of Jor-El that said he's been dead for thousands of years! :rolleyes:

I'm worried about Superman. Who was the man at the press conference? Why had he lied? Why was he "sharing" information which he had never wanted to do before?
The questions are certainly racking up! Don't worry, Lois is primed to start digging now. This will probably reveal that I'm not much of a comics fan, but my favorite Superman stories always have some real investigative work to them. (But is that because I was a L&C fan, or do I love L&C because of the investigating? Hmmm…)

I think I already know why he didn't come when Lois called. He either couldn't (held captive) or didn't want to risk exposing her to the truth or to those who had been holding him captive (i.e. didn't want Trask to know how close he had come to Lois).
Now we just have to see how far Lois will go to get his attention. Hopefully she discards throwing herself out a window… angel-devil

I'm going to stay spoiler free and not peek at your photos, though. I trust your research and science. :Big Grin:
Well, I'm making no claims to accurate science, but at least I try to make it SOUND good. blush