Yay, feedback already! clap

Oh, thanks, Virginia R, I didn't catch that about the blue arrow! I'll have to go in and fix it.

This is interesting perspective to SR. Clark not only left Earth without telling Lois, he didn't tell his mom. And when he returned he didn't crash land in Smallville, apparently.
Did he leave Earth? All we know so far is that both Superman and Clark Kent disappeared. huh

Does Lois think Clark is Jason's father or Superman?
She definitely doesn't think Clark is Jason's father, or else she would have confided that in Martha. That's why I went with "Aunt Martha" instead of "Grandma Kent."

Thanks to both for the advice on moving forward. I think I can sprinkle in some non-Lois perspectives to start shaping some of the background without giving things away too quickly. I've spent the last day or so sketching out the basics of what happened so I can at least keep track in my own head, and realized it could be sort of dry (and a little dark) to go back and start from the disappearance. Moving forward in a mystery fashion looks better from pretty much all angles!