"Trouble" by Taylor Swift

I'll be honest. Taylor Swift is not my favorite singer out there. However, when EditorJax and CapeFetish came to me with this song, my apprehension left when I realized that it was this song.

Of course, these ladies came to me with a completely different idea. Much like when EJ suggested Hot in Here I have once again totally went 180 with her original suggestions. Heh. (One day she'll stop suggesting songs. Until then, I'm glad she likes the results!)

I haven't done a single Lois and Clark video since Opposites Attract (heh...five years ago) and I haven't done much in the way of vidding since compared to how I used to make them, but I like to think I have improved! After all, this is one of the few videos I've made where I don't cringe at the ending.

(Also, it's important to note that I have greatly improved in my former fails at instrumentals ! But this one has no instrumentals so you can't really see that here...)

Anyway, since I also haven't seen the show with any sort of regularity since 2009, I am impressed with how much I remember regarding where clips were located. Well, at least the episodes. ...Okay, so the general idea of the general vicinity of the clips. What I didn't know, EJ and CF pointed me in the right direction!

So of course, a thousand thanks to those two trouble makers for the song suggestion, luring me back into vidding, and encouragement when all I wanted to do was nap.

Now, since you probably skimmed over this entire passage, here's the video!

Trouble on YouTube
Mediafire (32 MB)

(Once I get this site thing my friend's helping me with, I'll add a larger downloadable link then.)

Uninteresting Factoids

-Made in Vegas 12
-I used my friend's audio program to tweak the beginning flashback section of the song
-There are five video layers and two audio layers, none of them superfluous.
-There was originally six video layers, but that got confusing.
-This was edited on three different computers using the exact same program.
-One of those computers did not belong to me.
-CapeFetish got to watch me one time when I was stuck on clip ideas and just threw together some effects while I was visiting the area.
-I think I still have her convinced I know what I'm doing.
-I am immensely unhappy with my quality of clips
-I need to rerip the entire series and just do it that way but alas my DVDs are locked in the neverending void of storage

Mmm cheese.

I vid, therefor I am.

The hardest lesson is that love can be so fair to some, and so cruel to others. Even those who would be gods.

Anne Shirley: I'm glad you spell your name with a "K." Katherine with a "K" is so much more alluring than Catherine with a "C." A "C" always looks so smug.
Me: *cries*