YAY! FDK! /me makes a happy dance! [Linked Image]

Lara - your comments on the boards and by msn. You gave me the push that I needed to go ahead. Thank you! [Linked Image]

Jessi - I should thank you for the task of watching endless shirtless!Clark clips. laugh I couldn't have asked for a better assignment. drool

Jana - thank you! Glad the song worked with the idea of the video. smile

LoisLane - a bucket of cold water would be a good idea. After so many hot clips of shirtless!Clark, the only option is a cold shower. goofy

Mrs. McLeod - thank you for sharing the 'hard task' of watching Clark without a shirt on. Hehe... wink

Rona - I'm glad I could get you out of the closet! It must be scary in there. eek

Your comments have made my day! Thank you! [Linked Image]


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15