Here is my Vidathon video, for Jessi. smile Her requests are:

1: An upbeat song
2: At least one shot of shirtless Clark
3: A L/C kiss or hug

When I was looking for songs, I came across this one and I knew it was perfect for what I had in mind. I hope it worked.

Jessi asked at least one shot of shirtless Clark. But do you know how hard it was to choose among all the options? Seriously, you have no idea. laugh I had to spend hours watching shirtless Clark clips. [Linked Image] And as I couldn't make my mind, I used *various* shirtless Clark. goofy As for a L/C kiss or hug, it was another tough choice, so I picked various, too. blush I hope you don't mind, Jessi. wink

Thanks go to Lara for helping me to fix some details in almost real time and for organizing the Vidathon. sloppy

Hot by Avril Lavigne.


"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15