Wheeeeee! Lovely, lovely feedback!

Paul - I did a dorky little happy dance when I saw that you had replied. I adore your vids because you use unusual clips and have such a sly sense of humor. Thank you so much for your comments - they mean the world to me.

Lara - Thank you so much for both the private and public comments. The last "don't drink" belongs entirely to you - you're the one who pointed out that there was actually a clip with him tossing out Scardino's wine glass.

Jessi - Thanks! You're much more coherent at 5:30 in the morning on no sleep than I ever could be. I'm glad I could make you smile.

Camy - I was so pleased when I saw that the towel scene fit perfectly in that section. Thanks for calling attention to it. smile

Ann - I did toy with the idea of having him rip his shirt open for every "must be something inside" but, in the end, I decided I wanted it to be the punchline and not a recurring joke. Plus, the pace is already so frantic, I thought we all might need a break at the end of each repeat of the chorus.

Stephnachia - I have that gag reel and love it, but I wanted to emphasize how straitlaced and good-natured Clark is, so I held back showing him with alcohol in his hand until the very end. But it would have been fun to have him exhaling smoke.

Eva - I refreshed before posting and saw that you had left me a reply. Thanks! It was a pain to find enough "don't drink" scenes, but when I realized that it was working, it made it a lot more fun to comb through the episodes. As for the "fitting montage", my favorite thing about that is that Martha pats him on the butt as the song says "make sure you really get your good sideā€¦ good side." wink

That scene you asked about is from 'Honeymoon in Metropolis' when they're playing Trivial Pursuit and he's waiting for Lois' answer and then mocks her because she can't guess in time.

Thanks, you guys. You've totally made my day. laugh

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis