Yeah, I think that most of Weird Al's stuff would be impossible. Like Albuquerque(10+minutes eek )

I also think that most Christian/religious songs would not work as well. For one, it would be irreverent (heck even Weird Al doesn't touch them), and two, most of them are God/Jesus centered, which, trying to come up with something to go with that would be just tacky.

However, Steven Curtis Chapman's, "I Will Be Here" , is a love song and that would be perfect for LnC, but I digress from the mood of the the thread.

Ray Steven songs would also be difficult. "Mississippi Squirrel" comes to mind, or worse yet, "The Streak"!

And of course, Humpback Whale 'songs' would also be impossible...


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!