Okay... you're really stroking my ego here, Laura. How can I pass this up now? Hmmm?

RL is about to pounce on me this month... so it may be a while before you see this story become a reality. But you so inspired my muse that not only did she come back from her retreat, she wrote 2 solid pages on the story and a couple of pages of notes. <g>

DJ - or anyone else thinking of running with it - if you're interested mail me and I'll send you my file. If there's anything in there you can use - either straight up, as written, or just the idea written your own way, cool. If not, that's cool, too. I won't pout if nothing makes it into the finished version. [Goofy] It's not much, but it might be useful to you.

(I might cut out the bit about the sheep when Superman was hit by the Sin of Lust though... [Wink] )
Labby, you are a doll! <g> I've got a few pages written and an idea of what I want to do, but I'd love to see what you had and I'd be honored to incorporate some of it with your permission.

Uh... but I think I'll leave out the sheep - LOL - I actually have a different idea for the "lust" part. <snort> But, on that note, not to disappoint you nfic readers out there... but this isn't going to go far enough to be "n". Sorry.

Thanks Labby! Thanks Laura!


-- DJ

P.S. - Thanks Selinde for posting the original. I'll be using these 2 pictures for inspiration. <g>

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.