I was laughing so hard I damn near wet my pants. I'm so glad I'm alone in the office today because, yeah, I'm still wiping away the tears of mirth.

First off, just the opening credits had me in slack-jawed wonder. So professional, so, well, damn hot!

And then the video started in earnest and, between the lyrics and all the Shirtless!Clark, I was in a daze of giddy delight. He doesn't love me at all either. And it doesn't bother me at all when I can watch your clever vid.

Seriously, it was so sly that it left me just as impressed with your sense of humor as it did with all that pulchritude on display.

A quick rundown of the moments that made me snort/laugh/giggle like mad:

The combo of "so damn hot" with the shaving (and the "oh" with the aftershave)

"Headed to your car" and that yummy James Bond tux.

"So who's this other guy you've got" with clone clips.

The pillow explosion for a finale. <g>

Ah, if only Dean could see this. I bet it would crack him up.

Thanks Lara!

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis