For any and all information about the 2007 AK's, take a look here.

This year, we have added a very special category: The Prankster! And we'd like you to fill the slots. So now I hear you thinking, how do I do that? Well, it's very simple. In fact, it couldn't be easier. laugh

Just let your creative juices flow, make something that involves The Prankster AKA Kyle Griffin and/or his sidekick Victor (both from the epidodes The Prankster and The Return of The Prankster). Wether you make a music video, an icon, motivational poster, or anything else to do with graphics or art... you make it, and it's eligible! The only thing we won't allow is fanfic, because that belongs to our friendly neighbours of the Kerth Committee.

Please post everything in a reply to this post. That makes our jobs of gathering the eligibles a lot easier. wink The only catch there is, is that all the responses have to be posted before the new month starts. But that leaves you with the whole of April to go, so that should be long enough.

We are curious to see what you all come up with, so get cracking!

The Alt-Kerth Committee
~Anna, Rachel, Sara and Saskia

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!