First let me start by doing this...


Okay now that's out of the way, I need to thank and explain myself a little. laugh

First big thanks to DJ who kept nagging and sending posts and e-mails and other crazy reminders with many pointy stick guys. She has been dying for this video for a loong time. Ironically, she asked someone to make it back in October (I think) and I had been working on it before that.Between school and WMM being the worst program on Earth (or any planet for that matter), I have mangaged to finally completed this video.

I feel relieved, and I don't know if this video is good or not. Probably because I have been working on it for so long...

Well, after seeing Nickleback in concert this summer, and knowing there were Folc's who wanted a L&C twist on it, I had to get this done no matter what.

And now, I will let the video speak for itself.

Here is: Far Away

Enjoy! smile

~Lois Lane Wanna Be

"Live with intention.
Walk to the edge.
Listen Hard.
Practice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regret.
Continue to learn.
Appreciate your friends.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is."
~Mary Anne Radmacher