Hi LLWB!!!

Okay, I tried not to be a little piggy here and not mention too many... but, well, you see how well that worked out. :p

The best season 4 kiss - oooh, that's a toughie, one of my favorites is the episode "Brutal Youth" - the kiss in the elevator. They've been on their honeymoon and they have to come back to work and Lois practically attacks Clark in the elevator. Hee hee. And of course the kiss at the end of "Soul Mates" - their honeymoon, and he lays her down on the bed and kisses her. drool

Martha, Jonathan, and Clark hugging? But not at his house? Hmmm, that's a difficult one. Maybe Season 2 episode "The Source" they might hug him at the Daily Planet. Or what about season 2 "And the Answer Is"... did they hug him at the end of that ep at the Daily Planet? Sorry, I'm not much help on that one. I know he hugs them at the end of season 3 "Big Girls Don't Cry" but that's as Superman and not Clark.

Season 2 favorite kisses - "Whine, Whine, Whine" the end of the episode when Lois asks Clark if he's gonna run away from this. (Oh and of course the scene I've got for my avatar, from season 2 - Individual Responsibility at the end when she's saying he can't run off from their date and he'll be there at 7:01, 7:02, 7:03 - but that's not really a kiss... they just get real close.)

Season 3 - one of my favorite kisses is in "Supermann" after Lois is almost killed with the missile, Superman grabs her, kissing her, and falls to the floor with her. Yummy. I also liked the kiss in "Ordinary People" at the very end of the episode when Superman brings her flowers that he bought and paid for down the street. But probably the most passionate kiss of season 3 imho is in "Virtually Destroyed" when they are kissing inside the virtual world and they fall to the bed, pulling at each other's clothes.

Okay, I'm done... don't know if any of that helped or not, but there's my 2 cents worth!

Looking forward to it Kelly!!! dance

Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.