I didn't mean to post this and then disappear, honest wink It's th ebeginning of term and things are always hectic around here.

But I did want to come back and thank everyone for their comments and praise! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it smile And I'm sorry I don't have more to offer you in the form of the story frown If the story were anywhere near being done, I'd be happy to show it to you, but as it is it's about a chapter long <g>. If I ever get it finished, you all will be the first to know smile

LoisLaneWannaBe mentioned the title. It's a reference to the fact that Utopia translates literally to "noplace," implying from the beginning that such a place doesn't/can't exist. I always thought that was an interesting bit of trivia smile

Anyway, I'm glad you guys liked the trailer, and I apologize I don't have a story to offer you! I'll work on it, I promise smile


(As for the exhibit... well, I wrote a very nice blurb for the program explaining that my video was a fanfic trailer (and what exactly a fanfic trailer was), but the people organizing the exhibit lost my blurb and presented the trailer with no explanation whatsoever. So people didn't have any idea what to make of it or understand that it was a trailer for a longer story, and mostly they thought it was freakish and weird.

Anyway, one of my more mortifying experiences wink But it did produce this trailer <g>