Way back in April I made a fanfic trailer. I wanted to enter it in a video exhibit at my school, because I thought fanfic trailers are notable as a new form of fan creation, and the department that was running the exhibit studies fan culture and such. The exhibit itself turned out to be one of the more humiliating events of my life <g>, but I did emerge with a finished trailer.

The only problem is that the story is not at all finished. Not even close. Maybe years from being done. Maybe will not ever be done. And I don't want you all to think I'm a tease for showing this trailer when I have nothing to back it up, so to speak. On the other hand, I showed it ot a bunch of perfect strangers, so it seems only fair I should show it here to people who might actually enjoy it <g>.

So I debated about it for a few months, and on the advice of some friendly people on IRC I'm posting it today. They said that missing out on the story was better than missing out on both story and trailer, and assured me they'd defend me if anyone called me a tease wink

The other thing is that it's a really dark story. Really, really dark Superfutures story. So if you don't like that sort of thing, you should steer clear.

If you're still with me after all of that, here is the trailer. Watch it at your own risk, and don't say I didn't warn you. wink

Finding Noplace
Large (24 MB)
- Small (6 MB)

EDIT: With all those disclaimers, I forgot to thank the people who helped me with this! A big thanks to LauraU, who's my cheerleader on this story wink , and to the FoLCwips ladies and gentleman and my LiveJournal friends, who looked at many many iterations of this and picked me up after my school treated me badly wink

Kaylle wink