Thought I'd share the wallpaper images I made for my computer. Perhaps not extra original, just something I made for myself to make my computers happy. ;-)

All images are widescreen cause both my computers are like that, but if you use them on a regular screen and pick center or tile for the image, it will show up nicely too - I did that at the office and it didn't chop too much off the images to be annoying. If you ask nicely, I could make 4:3 ratio versions of these quite easily. smile

I've got a total of 11 wallpapers in this "series", if anyone is interested in seeing the others, I would gladly share them.

These are the 1280x800 versions, but I also have bigger ones (1680x1050) that will fit absolutely perfect on a 20' iMac. ;-)

Lois & Superman from S1
Lois & Clark from S3
Superman from S1

Superman: Why is it that good villains never die?
Batman: Clark, what the hell are good villains?
=> Superman/Batman: Public Enemies