I never thought I'd get up the patience to make one of these, but I've had this song on the brain for a while now, and finally decided to sit down and do something with it.

Please be forewarned that up until a few hours ago, I had never before opened Windows Movie Maker, much less attempted to make a music video. I realize that this is really rough. My apologies for that.

When I think of music videos in this fandom, my mind immediately goes to romantic/waffy ones of our Lois and our Clark, so it comes as a surprise to me, too, that this one is a somewhat downbeat AltClark one. But I guess it's okay because we all know that if we'd gotten a 5th season, he'd have found his Lois. wink

Without further ado, here's a video set to James Blunt's "You're Beautiful": Right-click/save as .

"Superman is a guy who's seen wonders we'll never see and Lois is to him, one of those wonders."