Rach...no works can describe...WOW...I have tears.

I have to admit that at first when you described the concept to me I was little skeptical of how it would turn out in the context of LnC. But after having watched the vid I'm in absolute amazement. The lyrics...the melody...even the lonely crooning quality in Cabrera's voice was spellbinding. And the chosen clips were truly perfect in the context of the lyrics.

More than that though are the effects that come through...especially at the end. They were so moving the way they alluded to Clark revisiting the past to hold onto her. It was as if he couldn't and wouldn't be parted from her if she were gone...he wanted to hold onto whatever he could...

And in some parts it felt like maybe he blamed himself for her demise...at the end when he reaches for her...its almost like he's reaching for himself...refusing her fate...

Wow, I LOVE this on so many levels. I'm truly in awe... notworthy


Clark: There's no such word as chumpy.
Lois: Sure there is. Someone's a chump, therefore he's chumpy!"
Clark: Try again.
Lois: Are you challenging me?
Clark: You bet your sweet little chumpy I am!