I absolutely LOVE the music from Excalibur so I adored this. And I love the techno version here!

The clips were frenetic and worked really well with the quick pace of the music.

I really enjoyed this!

Thanks Irene!

I love the Carmina Burana music, but I don't really appreciate that Techno remix of the music. But your video's really great.

I like the text card at the beginning when the world needs a hero.

I would have preferred the video made with the original music of Carmina Burana, but that still was a good job.
Thanks Poussin, glad you thought it was ok even though the music wasn't to your taste. Hrm...I'll have to track down the original music since I didn't know it existed before and I'd like to hear it.


Techno is good eh mmprincess? I love it laugh

Wow I almost expected Lois to say WOW! at the end of that video. What excitment!
Yeah, thats what I like about this song, and for some reason it reminds me of going to the cinemas or something.

That was so good! What an awesome promo that ABC could have used...I almost wanted these lines at the end to appear

"Wanna Know What You Missed Last Season?"
Ooh! Cool idea. Wish I'd thought of that! Glad you liked it! and I'll send you the song if you like, but I got it from a techno cd I bought by Nick Skitz but winamp says its by FCB/Nick Skitz so...?

I love your choice of clips. They fit the music superbly. I've never heard the techno version of this before. I may be a little confused but I thought this piece was called 'Oh Fortuna'.

Thanks for sharing this. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
laugh Glad you enjoyed it! and I dunno about the 'Oh Fortuna' thing cause this song is called Excalibur on the cd it came on, unless my computer got the names muddled...

laugh laugh Sara, thanks for telling me to post it wink

Thank you all so much for the feedback! Its great! Very encouraging ya know?

In this life of froth and bubble,
Two things stand like stone.
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in your own.