I was thinking the same thing as Kae--Clark's "What?" is hilarious. The wedding license is a neat touch. And then of course, "Apparently, she's my wife . . ."

And the music! I have to mention that I last heard this music (don't remember where I first heard it) on a funny cats video floating about the Web--cats doing various funny things. The mood is a very "la-di-da" sort, and totally fits this trailer. laugh

I also have to point out I loved the touch of the comparison between the two men--her snuggling into each of them. And Perry's look as he's talking to the two of them. It took me about 8 or 9 tries to get WMP to pause precisely on Lois and Clark's looks, but the impression I got the first time was correct; I love the "uhhhhhhh" look. Clark looks worried, and Lois has a very amusing expression on her face. GREAT shot to match the mood.

And Lois's little "dance" at the end cracked me up too, though I had to ask to have it explained just WHAT she was doing at the time. wink Clark's "Just as long as you're being honest with yourself, Lois" is a hilarious line with his facial expressions. Had to watch it twice to catch Lex's "I'm doomed", but cool ending too.

This is one of my favorite fics, and now the trailer is one of my favorite trailers too. wink Great job!

Don't point. You make holes in the air and the faeries escape.