Hello Friends,

My Friend Jen(mmmsquirrel) And I made a new video, It's for a friend(and my wife)Erica, Her birthday isn't til xmas,But with everyone being busy we wanted to post it early. And so I don't forget laugh

So erica, this vid is for you!! Happy Birthday Hon! I hope you get what you want *coughs* luthor. OH! That already happen, well anyway on to the video. It's Happy Birthday By the Arrogant Worms.
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday Rm

party party party party party


Rach & Jen

Me: what are you looking at *Snatches pic* OMFG! Dean smeared in peanut butter?! WTF?!
Sara: LMAO it was chocolate!! smeared in chocolate!
Me: LMFAO chocolate smeared in chocolate!
Sara: LMAO the *chocolate* isn't smeared in chocolate!
Me: that's the way i read it. was trying to picture chocolate smeared in chocolate