Ok Rachel, here is my critique<g>. I loved it! the song once again fit the video very well. You have good timing with the different shots. I liked the font and fade in at the start too. But the way you capture the moment of Lois's different situations is awesome. The line, I'm going to close my body off, was timed perfect with the images of Lois closing her eyes and such. Also I like the fade outs in between scenes. You know just how much darkness and pause to put in to the rythm of the music. It also made me realize how much physical work Teri hatcher and Dean had in that show. She must be a real sport to put up with wet cement and water and fire and such<g> Anyway, great use of video, timing, music, ryhthm and story telling all roled up into one. You have a nack for this, you should think about being an editor. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"