Nathalie, they are absolutely the best things out there on the internet! My favourite things to watch even when I know I'll have to pay dearly later for procastinating on work! They are dreams come true, just absolutely fantastc! smile1 ) I just really, really love to watch them (and, as you could tell, a really hyper sort of person :p )

And I have to agree on ethnica about Faux's a classic. Do take your time to watch them all. When I first went through all of'em, I was most attracted to Faux Pas, because the trailer was so good, and it ended up being one of the very first fics I read - not to mention one of my all-time favourites! You'll love it. wink

Have fun!!!


Clark: You're really high maintenance, aren't you?

Lois: Yes, but I'm worth it!