OH MY! You kick...you know.

Wooooo Whoooooooo! (trailer = TR)

To me this could have been made into one or two versions of a TR. You know you always see a long and a short version of TRs? They did that a lot for LOTR...Hidalgo.

When Clark says I love you - bam -. That could have been the end of the 'short' one, but then you brought us into a different feeling. That was cool. That created a longer one. Kinda like you see at the beginning of a movie in the theatres.

I enjoyed the multiple layers you created. It just wasn't words overlayed on to scenes. You created sounds for the words, chopped up scenes and used words from others. Wonderful. I enjoy how you put the name of the fic in the middle (or at the end for my 'short' TR thing. My brain keeps wanting to end it there!!! Maybe it is tramatized b/c the section after that really pulled at my heart strings.) That touch - of putting the fic name in the middle - resembeled more of a real TR.

I'm going to go and watch it again and see if what I wrote resembles what I feel.

Then I watch it again,


and again.

I want to read the fic now...but I have to work my icky job now. My second last day.. ARUGH.

EDIT - I watched it again. Now I'm more sad during the first part. Yup, the first part. I enjoy how you had one scene and you snipped in part of others into it. Smooth!

I'd say this in a more eloquent way, but I am a little late. I have to leave in 5min and I have not ironed my shirt!!!!!!!!!

I've converted to lurk-ism... hopefully only temporary.