And if you end up somehow with images of people making adobe bricks, I think I'll have to build a little shrine to you as the uber trailer maker <g>.
LOL! How will that look next to the monument you built to...Paul, was it?...for being the Superman ubergeek? <g>

I, too, am looking forward to this trailer tremendously. Sounds like you've got some great ideas, and thank you for being sensitive to readers who've already built up their own mental image of Gillian smile That's always one of the worrying aspects about going to see the film of a book you know inside out, isn't it? You know exactly what these characters look like, and then some director gets it into his head that the male lead ought to have (for argument's sake) blue eyes and long blond hair, when you know he has brown eyes and jet black hair. Who is this impostor, you cry, and then, before you know it, half the film is over while you've been trying to reconcile yourself to this blue-eyed, blond monstrosity. <g>

Yvonne smile