Wow, Roo!! I can't tell you how utterly flattered I am. You've gone to so much trouble, and it sounds like what you have and your plans for this video are simply wonderful.

I had no idea whatsoever how anyone would manage to make a trailer for BL - Gillian being a key character who no one has ever actually seen and of whom no video footage exists. I kind of equate this to CC's 'When the World Finds Out' - a story that I'd love to make a trailer for but can't begin to find a way to portray Lois and Clark in their fifties so have pushed out of my brain <g>. But you certainly have come up with some amazing ideas how to incorporate her. I also like the jungle ideas and the Colombian music. This video will probably show me things about my story that I hadn't even imagined. BTW - it's a blue morpho butterfly. And if you end up somehow with images of people making adobe bricks, I think I'll have to build a little shrine to you as the uber trailer maker <g>.

I agree with Lab - if you have the time and your computer deigns to cooperate, keep going. I can't wait to see the end result, even if it takes some time.

Thanks so much for all of your efforts.!! /me feels humbled and promises never to write stories that have original characters in them again <g>.


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah