Still in the process of completing a major, uhm, summer project, so I think I only got one more question left. So I need a little help with thinking..<g>

Do you remember anywhere in the show where Lois says something like, "He's coming..."/"He's coming back..."/"He'll be back"/"He's still out there..."

And then I'm not talking about Clark returning to Lois with a frozen yoghurt. But... for instance, a rapist just struck again, and they haven't caught him yet. A robber just knocked over the third bank this month, and he's still not caught. A murderer just claimed another victim, and the police haven't found him yet. Something like that. Anyway, you get my point, I hope.

So, it's necessary that Lois sounds somewhat scared/worried. Or when I think about it, it doesn't necessarily have to be Lois. I prefer it to be Lois, but if we can't figure something out, I'm sure I'll find out what to do even if it's Clark or Perry or Jimmy or a policeman saying it.

I'll be forever grateful for any suggestion.


Such a little thing really, a kiss...most people don't give it a moment's consideration. They kiss on meeting, they kiss on parting, that simple touching of flesh is taken entirely for granted as a basic human right.

Susan Kay