Hey Everyone!

First off Thanks Wanda, I needed it! Well I got their pretty early. My audition didn't start till two thrity (better early then late right?) The people their, Talk about being able to belt it out! But so anyways...I got up to read for the part of Irene, and so I read for her. Then they asked me to read for the part of Vi (the mom of the lead girl). So I read for her also...

Then came time to sing. We had to sing this song called Can You Find It In Your Heart. Well I had been practicing off of the Footloose soundtrack CD that I had bought. Guess what? They had a pianist play!! And to top it off, it wasn't at all how I had been singing it! So I had to wing it...ugh! But wait there is more! LOL!

I had to do try outs for the dancing also today...I didn't think anything of it until she started showing us some of the moves, the jackhammer (hard), the grape vine (that one was easy), and some other moves that my legs could've done without doing...heehee. You know...I thought I was in pretty good shape until I started doing those moves! I was pretty sure I was going to have to have a Priest come in and give me the last rights! I know I shouldn't complain, and I'm sorry for doing so...but oy!

Now I have to wait and see if I made it!!! I pray I did! I know that I've been complaining about it but I really want this part bad! This would be my first real role in a musical, and that would mean a lot to me if I did...

Alright, well I'm sorry, I just had to tell someone of my experience today, and you guys were it!

Oh and Rach, what do you think about the song? Do you think it would be a good L&C Music Video? I'm not that good at choosing songs that are good for them so I need an experts opinion.

Again I'm sorry about writing a long message again...please forgive me! Also thats great Wanda that your in Oliver!!! I love Oliver!!!

Later Days!

Am I gay? I'm ECSTATIC!

Thanks Weisz and Rae for the Rockin Icon.