
I'm not really talking about super high quality like an avi file. I'm just talking about something that doesn't drop frames throughout the video, or look fuzzy. The clips I use for One Tree Hill are mpeg format. They're pretty big, but not so big that they can't be transfered over AIM, and they quality is pleanty good enough to work with.

My dad has an internal capture device (I can't remember what it's called, but I think it's a Pinnacle), but it drops frames during capture and the picture is fuzzy. I also bought a Dazzle because I thought I remembered hearing that that's what you used, but I can't seem to get it to work with my laptop. I can get sound, but no picture.

Sas has a few eps she's going to send to me... we're on AIM now, and it seems to be working smoothly... /me crosses her fingers
